Friday, January 18, 2013


Omnkight, babysitting, healing support hero

Omniknight is a strength support who focuses heavily on babysitting your team's carries and healing the team. Due to him not being ranged, he's not a particularly effective harasser except for when he uses his healing move.  He's much more defensive and sturdy than many other supports.  If you want a summary on Omniknight's abilities, Go here.

Who is Omniknight strong against?

Melee heroes that rely heavily on right-click damage are very vulnerable to Omniknight.  Typically, repel + Degen aura will allow you to kite anyone who needs to get to you to hit do damage.  Specific heroes that Omniknight is good against:

Lifestealer. Why? Because he's a melee hero that relies heavily on his snare or at least a high movement speed to kill you.  Repel removes his snare, and Degen aura will keep him at a safe distance unless he's used his own magic immunity ability, rage.  Regardless, Omniknight is a great choice against Lifestealer thanks to his ability to allow other heroes to kite him with ease.

Juggernaut.  Why?  Because he's a melee hero who relies heavily on physical damage and being on top of his victims to perform his role.  Degen aura will keep him at a distance unless he's using blade fury, and if he uses his ultimate, you use yours.  Early game Juggernaut can be a nuisance because of blade fury, but after the laning stage he shouldn't be too much of a threat.

Bounty Hunter.  Why?  Because he's a melee hero who relies heavily on physical damage and using track to gain a gold advantage for his team.  Repel removes Track and prevents Shuriken toss, Omniknight's ult prevents Shuriken Toss and Jinada, and degen aura keeps bounty hunter at a safe distance.  Most of the time, Bounty Hunter thrives on supports, but not Omniknight!

Who is Omniknight weak against?

Ranged heroes don't have to deal with Degen aura, and unless Omniknight has his ultimate up, he may very well be ganked.  Anyone with a diffusal blade or natural mana burn abilities can give Omniknight a hard time as well.  Specific heroes that beat Omniknight are:

Lion.  Why?  His mana drain.  Omniknight suffers from mana issues early on, and even mid game Omniknight will likely have issues maintaining enough mana.  Lion will force Omniknight to choose between getting more mana regen and buying very important items like Mekansm.  Repel will ward off Lion's stun and nuke, but unfortunately in a team fight this will only save one hero, and Lion doesn't really rely on his autoattack damage.

 Anti-Mage.  Why? His nasty mana drain.  An Omniknight without mana is a useless Omniknight, and anti-mage can drain him in seconds.  Blink makes Degen aura less effective, and Anti-mage's mana drain has no cooldown as compared to Omniknight's Guardian Angel.  If you don't have your ult up, you're Anti-Mage food.

Drow Ranger.  Why?  Because unless you have your ult up, you are very nearly a free kill to Drow.  Your repel will help you escape her ice arrows, but if Drow gets the jump on you, she will undoubtedly lay silence on you.  Degen Aura is of no concern to her, and a few ultimate-charged arrows and you'll be hitting the ground before the silence even wears off.

If you see something you disagree with, tell me in the comments.  Also, tell me why because if it is convincing I will make the edit to the blog.  If you see heroes you want to add to either category, let me know in the comments as well, but be sure to provide a compelling argument.  Thanks for your input and I hope you found this information useful!

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